Welcome To the TRAP Database

TRAP is not responsible for any deaths or serious injuries. The TRAP Organization is not real in any way. TRAP is a website that was made for people to develop their creative writing, role-playing, and world-building skills. Think of this as a practice wiki before joining any higher and more popular wikis. Here, members are allowed to create little blogs and reports about their own fictional monsters, anomalies, and entities. Note that even though we do allow a lot of freedom, that does not mean that we, the Higher-Ups, will not allow bullying in any way (i.e. being controlling, harassing, etc.). Also, if you are transferring any anomalies from the SCP Foundation/the RPC Authority/the SCR Company or vise versa, please change the information as necessary.


This is a major announcement for all TRAP agents. As of 1/██/2025, the TRAP Organization has been made aware of a multiversal target known as the United Imperium of Ascended Beings (UIAB). We have reason to believe that this organization's main motive is the complete destroy and raze humanity from all realities. We are continuing to work towards setting up communication with the individuals who lead the UIAB. Until then, however, we implore you to proceed with caution and to contact you're respective Higher-Up upon encountering/noticing anything weird or out of place. Thank you.


On behalf of the Council and the Higher-Ups, Higher-Up 9 has sent TRAP-015 with a letter to the UIAB universe in the hopes of establishing communication with the leader(s) of the UIAB. This letter is public to all personnel level 2 and above. Below is a link to the message:

An Open Letter To the UIAB

Expect further updates on the situation soon.

Latest Entries

TRAP-043 The 3-Headed Gluttonous
TRAP-041 Code Name: GOJ1
TRAP-039 Will of the Blade

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